Killer Bee (Cammy TF)

Art by: 2号:

Emily was, in short, the very image of a model student, and had been for the entirety of academic career. She wasn’t terribly gifted, but she persevered. She always kept her head down, avoided distractions, studied hard, and worked diligently on each and every assignment she’d been given throughout the three years she’d spent at university, leading her to pass her classes with little trouble to speak of in the slightest.

She didn’t, however, enjoy a single second of it.

Her major was picked for her by her family, who insisted that it was a “practical, sensible choice,” without so much as being asked what she’d wanted to do with her life, let alone what she wanted to study in university. She was fine with that, or at least she told herself that whenever she found herself bogged down with the reality of her situation. After all, her family wasn’t wrong. She knew that finding a decent job fresh out of university would be nearly impossible in the current economy, but the degree she was pursuing would always be in high demand, or so her father told her, and anything that gave her even a slightly better chance at landing on her feet after her studies were done was welcome and, begrudgingly, worthwhile.

Still, part of her couldn’t help but feel stifled by her current situation, and Emily fought frequently with the realization that she’d be far, far happier if she was allowed to follow her passions, even if she didn’t quite know what those were.

Videogames, maybe? She certainly did enjoy playing them, but the idea of telling her family she was going to play games for a living right after finishing her degree made her skin crawl. She could practically hear her parents yelling in her ear. No, videogames were a dead end, even if they were the first passion that came to her mind. She was far too intimidated by the idea of working on them, no matter what capacity that might have taken. Playing them wasn’t appealing either. Though she was intrigued by live streamers and content creators that managed to eke out a living playing games, the thought of the omnipresent attention she’d draw was, perhaps, the only thing more terrifying than her parents’ hypothetical reaction.

Despite all of her diligence in her studies, she found her focus completely slipping in class, her mind wandering far away from the confines of the stuffy lecture hall her body was seated in. She wasn’t even sure when she’d pulled out her phone, but her eyes were glued on it now, fixated on an anxiety support forum she’d found the night before. She knew as soon as she found it what it had meant for her, but now she was absolutely certain. Today was going to be the day that she finally started to work towards finding her happiness and breaking free of the shyness and anxiety gripped her so firmly, guiding her every action up to this point. She knew, of course, that it wouldn’t be that easy; nothing ever was. But, she told herself, every journey has to start with a single step, and if, at the end of the day, the month, or even the year, she could change herself for the better, become even the tiniest bit brighter and happier, it would be worth zoning out during a couple of classes.

“Ms. White?” a stern voice called out, taking on the questioning tone of a teacher who knows their student’s lack of attention isn’t a question at all.

Emily felt a jolt of panic shoot through her body. She’d never been called on by any of professors before, at least not like this, and, given how distracted she was with her phone, she was completely unequipped to handle the suddenness of it all. She fumbled with her phone, hastily shoved it into her pocket, then stood upright, stiff as a board, and shouted, nervously, “Y-yes, Ma’am?!”

“There’s no need to stand, Ms. White,” her professor said, a hint of derision in her voice. Emily quickly sat back down, her blush deepening as she heard some of the other students chortling around her, barely able to stifle their giggles.

“S-sorry, Ma’am.”

“That’s alright, Ms. White. Since you seem so very, very eager, though, I was hoping you might be able to give me the answer I’m looking for.” She gestured to a question she’d written on the board, her gaze never leaving Emily.

Emily had noticed before that this professor seemed to enjoy embarrassing students whenever they did anything wrong, often going so far that whoever faced the brunt of her sadism usually wasn’t in class the next day. She’d always wondered how a teacher got like that and why it seemed so widespread. It seemed to her that trying to enforce the rules with less condescension and treating the students like humans, especially now that they were adults, would work far better, but she’d always kept that thought to herself, knowing it wouldn’t do anyone much good. Now, though, that she was on the receiving end, she wished she’d had the courage to speak up during one of the many times her classmates were being humiliated.


“Hmm? Is something the matter? I know your grades are ‘satisfactory,’” she said, practically spitting out the word as though it left a vile taste in her mouth, “so this shouldn’t be too difficult for you, surely.” There was no doubt in Emily’s mind that her professor was simply provoking her now.


She wanted more than anything to just run. To bolt. To leave the classroom right now and save herself from any more embarrassment than she’d already suffered. She knew, though, that would make tomorrow’s class even worse, that she’d absolutely crumple under the weight of her classmates’ judgement for leaving.

“I don’t know the answer, Ma’am. I’m sorry…”

“Apologies are entirely worthless here, Ms. White. I am teaching, and you are expected to listen. It’s in your best interest, even, considering it is you who is paying for me to teach this course. It’s simply poor economics to waste both time and money paying attention to your phone instead of the service you have paid for that is so dutifully being rendered,” she finished, and Emily could have sworn she heard a smug huff of satisfaction after she was done puffing herself up.

“Y-yes Ma’am…”

“Very good. Now that I have everyone’s full attention, let’s continue, shall we?”


Emily fought through the pain and embarrassment she felt to return to class the next day, but, for all the good it did her, she might as well have just stayed home. The lecture seemed to drag on forever, an eternity of torment, and while she kept her phone firmly in her pocket, going so far as to turn it off completely, and did her best to stay focused on her professor, not a single bit of information stuck with her. All she could focus on was what had happened yesterday and how mortified she’d felt, and stll did, to be chewed out in front of all of her classmates. Her shame and anxiety weighed on her all day, causing her to shirk away from anything that would draw even the slightest bit of attention to her. It was so exhausting that, by the time she stumbled back to her apartment, she flopped straight down on her bed and hugged a pillow tightly, hoping to squeeze her worries away, or, at least, calm down.

“C’mon…” she scolded herself, her voice muffled by the pillow she was clinging to,” you’re trying to get better at this, right? You’re trying to be more confident, aren’t you?”

She breathed out a sigh as she rolled over onto her back, letting the pillow fall to her side, then pulled her phone out of her pocket for the first time since she’d shut it off that morning after her alarm had gone off, having gone to such extremes out of a fear that, somehow, even glancing at it outside of the privacy of her bedroom would just get her in trouble again. After it was on, she opened up the forum she’d been reading, a soft smile spreading on her face as she reread the advice one of the posters had offered her.

「Confidence isn’t something that’s just effortlessly there. Everyone, no matter how calm and collected they may seem to be, struggles with some degree of anxiety or shyness. Even the coolest person in the world has something that their mind just has a block put up against, I guarantee it. It can be difficult to get over the hurdles in our way, but if you try to keep a few important things in mind, even the most anxious person on the planet can find enough confidence to be happy with themselves.」

「Maybe it seems scary now, and it might still feel that way for awhile, but you are able to get through all of this, and you will if you keep trying. I promise. If it’s ever too much for you to deal with on your own, please, never be afraid to lean on a family member, a friend, or even someone here for support.」

The post continued for a while longer, listing off little pieces of advice that the writer claimed had helped them tremendously with their own anxiety. The forum was filled with posts just like that, made by hundreds of people who had, and still did, experience the same kinds of feelings that Emily struggled with, all of them eager to chiming in with whatever friendly advice they could give to help others in similar situations. Some of it was, predictably, a little conflicting, some posters advising to just be yourself, while others advocating trying to emulate the person or type of person you wanted to be. No matter what, though, their sentiment and advice was always appreciated, especially by Emily. Even if she wasn’t sure how to act on a lot of what she’d seen posted, just being able to read all of it and, no matter how impersonal it was, feel supported by other people meant the world to her.

Sniffling a little, she went to write a reply.

「Hey everyone. I came across this forum a couple nights ago after a particularly stressful week. I’ve grappled with shyness and anxiety my whole life, but it’s gotten especially bad lately. Yesterday, I got chewed out by one of my professors over something small and I still haven’t quite managed to come down from how nervous and panicky it’s left me.」

She paused for a second, feeling just how much it hurt to lay everything out like that. A small part of her told her that she just sounded pathetic, that she was worked up over nothing, but she suppressed that doubt the best she could and continued typing.

「I just wanted to say, though, that everything you’ve all been posting here has, for the first time in my life, given me some hope that I might be able to break free from all of this. My anxieties and fears have always felt so heavy, so impossible to move past, but, maybe I actually can get over them. Maybe, if I just keep trying, I can end up happy.」

「So, I’m going to start now. I’m still really shaken up and don’t really want to leave my apartment, but I can’t give in to my fears. I’m going to stay here and really think about what’s been scaring me for so long. Then, I‘ll think about how I can break through that, picture myself as the kind of person I want to be, and try all the other things you all have posted here. No matter how simple it may seem, no matter how much my head is telling me that none of it will matter, I know I’ve got to try. And I just know that these will all be vital first steps to me, that, in no time at all, I’ll be more confident than I’ve ever been.」

「Thanks, everyone, sincerely. Even if none of you knew you were talking to me, I still heard, and it’s meant the world to me. If I post her again, it’ll be after I’ve really sorted myself out. It’ll be like I’m a whole new person! Just you wait and see!」

Once she’d laid everything out, she took a deep breath, hit “post,” then quickly closed the site. She was already afraid of what replies her post might garner, but, still, she was proud of herself for writing something in the first place. It seemed like a good first step, like a sign that things were already changing. After all, there’s no way she’d have felt comfortable saying so much about herself to absolute strangers just a week ago.

“I think…I think that’s enough big steps for right now, though, ahaha. I just…need to unwind now, take my mind off of everything for a couple of hours.” She pulled herself up off of her bed and wandered into the living room, then plopped down on the couch before turning on her TV and PS4, deciding to find a game to while away the hours with.

“Hmmm…don’t really want something too heavy right now…definitely not something with much of a story…” she muttered, scrolling through her library. “I just want something quick and easy…something I can keep playing for as long as I want… Ah, yeah, that’s it!” she cried out happily, before clapping her hands over her mouth in embarrassment. “Th-this’ll be fun,” she said, much softer now, as she started up Street Fighter V and reached for the fightstick she kept on the end table.

The thought that someone like her, who had so many issues with anxiety, found enjoyment in fighting games never failed to amuse her. She didn’t always jump into fighting games easily, though. In fact, most of them usually left her feelings far too overwhelmed at first to do much of anything. Games, however, had always been such a wonderful respite for her that, whenever she was faced with a wall, with systems that she didn’t understand at first, she always found the energy to power through it, making the point to keep at the game for as long she could until she knew every last in and out of what had stumped her. In this case, her persistence had paid off, and she found herself steadily climbing the online leaderboards, securing herself a respectable rank, especially considering how long she’d been playing. She even vaguely considered playing in tournaments in real life, but…well, playing online was enough for her.

She shook the thought out of her head, already feeling a knot of nervousness in her stomach at the idea of being seen playing video games on a stage, and focused instead on the game, choosing to load into the game’s training mode to get a little warm up as her favorite character, Cammy, first.

Emily had always really loved Cammy, and tended gravitate towards characters like her in fighting games, faster, more aggressive characters she could use to constantly lay pressure on her opponents. Just beyond that, though, she’d always just…had a thing for her. She’d never voiced those feelings, not even to herself, but she really was exactly her type. Cammy was toned and firm, with an athletic grace that she found absolutely irresistible. Sure, that technically applied to the majority of the women in the game’s cast, and, true, she found herself attracted to just about all of them, but Cammy was special to her.

To her, Cammy was driven, intense, and determined. She was a woman who balanced ruthless efficiency with an almost balletic grace whenever she fought. She had a surprisingly cute side, too, or at least Emily had always felt that way. Sure, it was her strong, cool attitude that first garnered her attention, but, as time went on, she found herself absolutely enamored with how sweet she was to those she cared about and how she let a more innocent, childlike part of her show around cats. All of this was to say nothing, of course, about her physique, which Emily found herself nigh-on obsessed with. Though she was absolutely tiny, barely standing taller than five feet, she was so, so well-built. Her firm, well-muscled arms…her tight abs…her thick, powerful thighs…her round, squeezable butt… Emily could, and often had, found herself getting lost in thought just looking at her, torn between wishing she could be her and wishing she could be with her.

Just looking at her now, she felt her mind starting to wander. Her hand unconsciously slipped off of her fightstick and slowly slid down her tummy, sneaking its way past the waistband of her pants, and-

“G-God! Maybe later!” she huffed, catching herself right as her fingertips grazed the soft lace of her panties. She pulled her hand away and put it back on her fightstick, clamping her legs tight together while a blush spread through her cheeks.

Desperate to find her center again, she got to work practicing a few combos, the tried and true moves she always relied on, and, after about five minutes of practice, she felt calm and ready to hop online. In no time at all, she was matched up against someone playing as Juri. Despite how ready she felt she was, she quickly found herself outpaced and outmatched in the first round, losing handfully in just a few seconds, all while struggling to keep up with everything that was happening.

“C-C’mon, I can’t lose because…because I got turned on…” she mumbled, embarrassed at the thought that, maybe, the faint, lingering sexual frustration she felt was holding back her performance. She’d put in plenty of time over the months, ironing out the flaws in her playstyle over time to make as few mistakes as possible and learning to read her opponents. In that round, though, everything she did suddenly felt so clumsy and foreign to her, like she was trying to play while still asleep. Even the screen in front of her was beginning to look blurry. She quickly rubbed at her eyes to try and clear her vision before the second round started, though it did little to alleviate the issue.

“Jeez…is something wrong with me?!” she asked, raising her voice without even realizing it. She didn’t have time to think about that, though; the second round was already starting. Emily did her best to stay focused, fighting the Juri player as much as she was how blurry the world around her was. It went well enough, at first. She was still playing clumsily, but surprisingly, considering how high-ranked she and her opponent were, they also seemed to be struggling. The both of them fought a clumsy game of attrition, each player flubbing fairly basic moves, until Emily had pulled ahead. She kept up what pressure she could, slowly chipping away at her opponent’s diminishing defenses, until she simply couldn’t stand how terrible everything looked anymore. In a huff, she quickly pulled off her glasses, tossing them down on the cushion next to her before getting back to the game.

In the short time her hand was off the stick, her opponent had, much to Emily’s frustration, gotten a few hits in on her. “No way, not letting you beat me,” she growled, determined to win no matter how much of a struggle it had been. Her performance faltered for a moment longer, though, as she realized that, suddenly, everything seemed crystal clear to her. Her vision had always been pretty terrible, and she’d needed glasses for most of her life, but, for some reason, she could see the screen perfectly, easily picking up the details that had, until just a moment ago, been completely obscured. After losing a few more hits to her surprise, Emily set her face in a stony expression, deciding that none of that mattered right now. She had a match to win.

It came down to the wire, but she managed to pull out a victory, taking the second round with barely any health to spare. Though she still felt like she was playing clumsily, and that her hands weren’t at all working they way the usually did, she found greater success in the final round. She’d managed to calm herself down well enough by that point that she could at least focus, while her opponent’s movements had grown increasingly erratic. They barely managed to land a single hit on Emily’s Cammy, the Juri’s frustration with their own performance blaringly obvious as they flailed about, and she brought the match to a clumsy, yet decisive, victory.

“Oh, wow… That was…that was ridiculous, ahahaha… I can’t remember the last time I screwed up so much. I feel kinda bad for whoever was playing against me, though. They were probably having an off day, too…”

“B-but wait a second, what on earth happened with my eyes?!” she cried out, the reality of her bizarre situation settling in once more now that she no longer had a fight to focus on. “I…I shouldn’t be able to see without my glasses. I’m almost blind without them… So why does everything look so…so clear?” she mumbled, picking herself up off the couch and heading to her bathroom to splash herself with cold water, convinced that this was all some kind of dream.

“I…I’m seeing things, right?”

She had to have been dreaming. She was sure of it now, as she looked into her reflection. Eyes didn’t just…change color. That was absolutely absurd, but somehow, despite knowing with complete certainty that her eyes were a deep brown, the ones staring back at her from the mirror appeared to be a bright, clear sky blue.

“Ahaha, that’s…that’s not possible. I’m just worked up from…from everything that’s happened..” She chuckled nervously, turned away from the mirror as though she’d seen nothing, and walked back to her room. “I just need to sit down, relax, and this’ll all go away. Yep, that’s all.”

A small part of her still worried that, somehow, what she’d seen was real, but there was just no way that could be true. Even if they did look…surprisingly pretty, those weren’t her eyes. She needed to get off her feet for the time being, maybe go back to just playing a game or something. She didn’t want to get back on her bed, thinking that, if it were a dream, it would be silly to go to sleep, so she sat down at the chair in front of her PC, gasping slightly at how…comfy it felt.

It shouldn’t have, right? It was…it was just a simple wooden chair. She’d been meaning to get something a little softer for months, but had never really worked up the nerve to go out and buy one. But there was a pleasant cushiness beneath her now, like she’d set a pillow down and forgotten all about it. Looking down to check, however, she wasn’t greeted by any such cushion. Instead, she saw her sweatpants straining against the sides of her thighs, pulling tight against a big, plump butt that looked far fuller, far squishier, and far softer than hers ever had.

She stood up with a start, frantically cupping it and feeling her hands sink in to supple, plump flesh that completely filled up her palms. As shocked as she was, she couldn’t help but play with it for a moment, kneading her fingers into the yielding flesh. She was completely taken with how incredible it felt, how tasty it looked stuffed into pants that were now far too small for her. As she once again felt that familiar fluttery heat just below her belly, she did her best to take a deep breath and calm herself down.

“God, it’s so…amazing…” she murmured, sighing dreamily. “B-but how…how is this happening? I’ve…I’ve still gotta be dreaming, right?” She gave her butt another curious squeeze, then, recalling that people usually pinched themselves to wake up from dreams, decided to make the best of what she had. Emily drew her hand back, just a little, then swung it forward, giving her butt a light slap. A smile spread across her face as she felt it jiggle back into place, a strangely appealing sting spreading out from where she’d struck. “It feels so nice, though…”

“But…if this really is happening, then…why? And…what is happening to me, exactly?” She went to head back to her bathroom, to get a better look at what else may have changed, but she had hardly gotten a step before tripping and falling straight to the ground. She just barely managed to catch herself, her arms flying out to catch her far faster than she thought was possible for her.

“Oh gosh, what now?” she asked. She pushed off the ground, rolling her body around until she was sitting on her butt. Her mind briefly wandered at the sensation of all those soft, cushy cheeks squishing against the floor underneath her. A blush had spread through her cheeks before she caught herself and looked down to try and figure out what had happened. Her pants, though still pulled tight at the waist, were now pooled around her feet, somehow having become far longer than they once were. As she went to get herself up off the ground, though, she realized that, in fact, all of her clothes felt looser now, with her sleeves engulfing her arms just as easily as her pants swallowed her feet.

“Y-you’re kidding…” Despite figuring out exactly what had happened, she was still completely awestruck as she straightened her clothes out the best she could and looked around, noticing that her apartment seemed a bit bigger now. “I…I shrunk?! Am…am I getting younger or something? But…my eyes and…and my…” she trailed off, her blush deepening as she tried to clear her head once more. Fighting off her embarrassment, she fixated on what she’d set out to do, and slowly starting walking back to the bathroom, her pants dragging on the ground with every step.

Emily had always hated how tall she was. She was convinced whenever she went out that people were always staring at her. Towering over most of the other girls she’d seen on campus, she always felt so lanky and awkward by comparison, and she’d wished for the longest time that she could just be a little shorter, just a couple inches closer to the ground. Gazing at her reflection in the mirror, she saw that her wish had come true, and then some. She was positively tiny, having lost almost a whole foot of her height, and her extremely baggy clothes made her look petite and adorable. As disorienting as it was, everything in the bathroom looking larger now and coming up higher on her body than she was used to, she couldn’t help but smile, happy that one of the biggest sources of anxiety had seemingly disappeared.

Still, as cute as the baggy clothes looked cute on her, she wanted to get a better look at herself. She hastily scrambled to take off her shirt and pants, leaving her in nothing but a bra and a pair of panties that were stretched tight against her butt. Even though she seemed just as skinny as she’d always been, she felt…good. Sexy. She admired her reflection for a moment, now fully appreciating the allure of her piercing blue eyes. They made her look a little more determined and confident, her smile losing its usual nervous edge. In fact, the more she gazed at her face in the mirror, the more it seemed…different, somehow. Her usual pallor from spending almost all of her time indoors was gone. Instead, her skin had taken on a healthy, peachy tone, and her cheeks seemed just a tiny bit fuller, giving her face a slight roundness that looked more naturally warm.

“That’s…that’s me?” she asked, pawing at her cheeks, in awe of just how different she looked. She was still recognizable on some level as herself, but the longer she gazed at the mirror, the more her reflection shifted before her eyes. Her nose changed to be just a little smaller and straighter, while her lips gained a hint of fullness as they became softer and pinker than before. It was her eyes, however, that she was constantly drawn back to. For as stunning as the blue color they’d taken on appeared to be, her gaze, now framed by thick, full lashes only seemed to grow more steely and calm by the second. As she struggled to contain her nervous excitement, her eyebrows thickened until they were quite bushy, losing their soft arcs and angling harshly downward. She couldn’t believe just how different she looked now, or how confident, almost cold, her expression now seemed. It was beautiful, to be sure, but there was something about how…strong she looked that she couldn’t help but adore, finding it almost familiar, in some strange way. As a sharp, harsh-looking scar cut its way across her cheek, she finally realized what was happening.

“This…this face, it’s…CamMY?!” A strange, tight feeling gripped at her neck just as she was about to finish her sentence. She cleared her throat as best as she could, coughing several times before it started to ease up at all, eventually sounding a little less strained, but also a little lower, than what came before. She tried to catch her breath, panting heavily for a few moments before looking at her reflection once more.

“How on earth…” She quickly trailed off at the sound of her voice. She had, to some degree, expected it, but even so, hearing her words in a much lower, stronger register, stripped of any of her usual shyness, was nothing short of incredible. “I’m…becoming Cammy, aren’t I? I’m not quite sure how this is possible, but…this feels really good…kinda…kinda right, somehow….” The more she spoke, the more clear her voice sounded, buoyed by her steadily growing confidence. Even having figured it out, she was still surprised by her English accent, her words now carrying a slight, formal lilt that felt so very different from her usual way of speaking. Ultimately, though, she didn’t mind it at all, concluding that, if anything, it made her sound far more forceful and serious, nothing at all like how she used to be.

A small, confident smirk spread across her face as she looked down at her slim, almost twiggy arms and saw a ripple run through them, leaving them a little thicker as the swelled with firm muscle that made them look firm and sculpted. She looked at her hands, flexing them curiously, but they stayed much the same. If anything, they may have gotten a little smaller, with her skin seeming a bit rougher and calloused. “Very well, then. Perhaps there is no clear answer as to why this is happening, but I honestly can’t say I have a reason to reject it.” She curled her fingers into a tight fist, admiring how strong and how natural it felt. “Things have been so difficult, so utterly terrifying for far too long. From this day forward, all of that will change.” Cammy’s smile widened just a little as she turned back to the mirror, satisfied to see the inky blackness of her hair and eyebrows give way to a rush of blonde. Her short, simple hairstyle rapidly grew longer and thicker, her bangs engulfing her vision as it continued to flow downward until it was well below her ample butt.

“It appears, though, that I’ll have to learn to manage this fairly soon.” She chuckled softly, pushing her hair behind her ears and frowning as two long locks of golden hair immediately fell back across her face. She could see perfectly well, so it wasn’t much of a hindrance, but it seemed that, no matter what she tried, they simply refused to stay tucked back. “…Fine… You can stay for the time being,” she grumbled, though she knew very well that she’d more than likely just have to get used to them being there for good.

“Oh my…” she muttered, her frustration giving way to surprise as a warm, heavy feeling built up in her chest. She looked down to see her bra starting to strain, the straps stretching taut against her shoulders as her cups filled with her rapidly swelling chest. Starting to feel the pressure against her chest suffocating her, she quickly undid her bra, letting it fall to the ground, instantly letting out a sigh of relief as she could breathe again. She’d been so small before, barely even reaching a B cup, and while Cammy wasn’t particularly huge, she was certainly big enough that there was no way any of her old underwear would even come close to containing the full, firm breasts that were proudly sitting on her chest now.

Fading from her chest, the warmth continued downwards, settling deep into her stomach. She watched as her skinny waist started to fill out a bit, looking harder and stronger by the second as abs sculpted themselves over her stomach. Putting a hand on her stomach, she was impressed and satisfied with just how incredible it felt to the touch, and just how amazing her body felt. For as toned and firm as it was becoming, she also felt lighter and more flexible than she ever had before, which left her feeling surprisingly at ease with her changing body. For everything that was changing, though, the lingering arousal she’d felt hadn’t dissipated in the least, and it was all she could do to supress the small, shy part of her that wanted to play with herself right then and there, begging to squeeze those perky breasts and grope that plump butt. She held it off, though, knowing that she still had more and that she’d have plenty of time for that sort of fun later.

Suppressing the giddy excitement bubbling up inside of her, she turned her gaze down towards her legs, surprised by how much more in control of her emotions she was. Her restraint went right out the window, though, as a soft gasp of delight escaped her lips at the sight of her skinny thighs steadily beginning to bulk up. They rounded and filled with a soft, delicate weight that she just knew would tone itself into amazing, delicious muscle in no time. She lost herself in her desires, grabbing at her thighs lovingly and giving them a soft squeeze right as they started to firm and harden, muscle rippling through them as they took on a more toned, powerful shape. Her hands traveled down with the developing muscle, tracing their rockhard lines with her fingertips as her calves grew tighter and stronger. Every inch of her now looked so powerful and amazing. Even her feet, though smaller and more adorable than they were before, seemed so lithe and masterful, the perfect tools to control her new, fit body.

She’d spent so long fantasizing about the legs she was still rubbing. She’d dreamt about how they’d feel. How sweaty and tight they’d get after a fight. How warm and suffocating it would feel to have those thighs wrap around her head. Now that she had them, though, and was able to freely admire them, they felt far better to her than they had in even her wildest fantasies. A perfect juxtaposition of firm, toned muscle and soft, smooth skin. Of fragrant soaps and stuffy sweat.

It was all too much for her. She couldn’t hold back any longer. She knew that, no matter how calm and composed she was beginning to feel, she absolutely had to do something about the heat that churning in her belly that she’d tried to stifle for far, far too long. Her sex drive kicking into overdrive, she quickly headed out of the bathroom, registering but not caring that the apartment she stepped out to looked completely different from the one she was in before. Her mind told her that this was her home, new memories filling in to say that she’d been there for years now, but she didn’t care. She was so wet she couldn’t stand it, and that was far more important.

She quickly made it to her bedroom and quickly crawled on top of a larger, softer bed, with cool, silky sheets that felt so blissful against her warm, naked skin. She tore off her far-too-small panties and wasted no time plunging a slender finger into her eager, waiting lips, shuddering as she felt them drive up inside of her warm, wet vagina. She let out a loud, heavy moan of pleasure as she continued to thrust her finger in and out, using her other hand to tease her moist, swollen lips and juicy, hard clit, eagerly getting far better acquainted with her wonderful new body.


Cammy finished tying up her second braid and smiled serenely at the tufts of hair sticking out of the end of each one, thinking back on just how easily everything about her new life had come to her. She still had the memories of her own life, and all of the anxieties that had held her back before still felt so fresh. She was convinced, at first, that those feelings would settling back in once the euphoria of her new life had worn off, but, surprisingly, that hadn’t happened. Instead, she’d found that the confidence she’d felt when she’d first accepted everything that was happening stayed as steady as ever. It kept her afloat even as she was thrust into a completely different lifestyle, one she somehow recalled with perfect clarity, as though she’d been living it her whole life. Her old memories mixed with her new ones, never overwriting them, keeping her, at the end of it all, distinctly herself. Her anxieties had lessened, and her appearance was now far more hardened, but all the sincerity she’d resolved herself to have still shone through, guiding her each and every step she took in her new life.

She slipped on her green leotard when she was done reflecting, and gave a soft, almost lusty giggle at how nicely it pressed against her crotch, how it wedged in between her big, plump buttcheeks, and pushed up her full, perky chest. That was another part of her old life she’d still kept, even if that intense, almost desperate thirst was a little easier to keep in check.

She didn’t need to dress like this today. Cammy wasn’t doing anything that’d require the flexibility her current outfit provided, to say nothing of the camouflage marks she’d painted across her legs that made her thighs look just a little firmer and more intimidating. All it’d really do is garner her more than a few stares as she walked through the city, but she hardly minded. It made her feel good, and that was what mattered most. Putting on her beret and sliding on a pair of red gauntlets that went up to her elbows, Cammy couldn’t help but smile confidently as she finished her look by sliding her feet into long, leather combat boots. She grabbed her bag and the headed out for the afternoon, a small part of her eager to get things over and done with quickly so that she could have a little more time to herself.

Despite that, though it didn’t take long for Cammy to find herself sidetracked by the sound of gentle mewing. She walked down the alley the mewing was coming from and saw a small, grey kitten sitting in a cardboard box, crying out for attention. Ever since she’d changed, she’d found herself with a remarkably fondness for cats, particularly those she ran into on the street. She always made it a point to keep them company for a moment before calling a shelter that could take them in. Her love for them was practically unparalleled, it seemed, and whenever she came across one she thought could use some help, she would drop absolutely everything she was doing and shower it in attention.

“Oh my, you poor thing…” she muttered, kneeling down in front of the cat and petting it happily, letting out a soft chuckle as it nuzzled against her palm, its purrs growing louder and louder by the second. “You’re hungry, aren’t you girl?” she asked. Cammy rifled through the bag she’d been carrying with her and pulled out a small can of cat food, then quickly pulled the tab and placed it in front of the kitten. This had, by now, become enough of a regular occurence that she’d made a habit out of carrying anything she might need for these situations on her at all times, and as she watched the small kitten happily dig in to what must’ve been its heartiest meal in days, she knew it was worthwhile.

She pulled out her phone, never taking her eyes off of her happy little friend, and called up the nearest animal shelter. Though they’d said that they’d send someone over right away, she resolved, as she always did, to stay with the kitten until she knew someone came to help.

“Ahahahaha~! You’re shitting me!” a loud, brash voice bellowed. Cammy pulled herself up in a flash and turned on the spot to see a woman clad in a purple and pink catsuit that clung tightly to her leggy, incredibly toned figure, with hair done up in a style that almost resembled horns. She’d recognize that look anywhere. After all, there was nobody on earth besides Juri Han who carried herself quite like that. Cammy braced herself for a fight, confident that she was minutes away, if that, from seeing Juri really get set off.

“I spend weeks looking for you, sure that you’re doing everything you can to get ready for me, and I find you playing with cats on the street! Damn, that’s rich! Shit, I’d almost say you’re trying to taunt me!”

“If you’re looking for a fight…” Cammy started, slowly moving away from the kitten and walking closer to her unexpected guest, “we’ll move elsewhere. I don’t want any more attention than you do, I’m sure.”

“A fight?! With you?! Ahahaha! No, you don’t get it! I just loooove you, Cammy! So much that I really, REALLY wanna make you feel it!”

Juri was toying with her. Cammy could see the hunger in her eyes, the way she licked her lips, and knew exactly how desperate she was to let loose. She also knew that whatever was about to happen was almost certainly unavoidable. Still, she could minimize the damage she might cause, keep this entirely between the two of them. That’d have to do, for now.

“You could do that far more effectively with nobody else around. I’m sure that, no matter how desperate you may be, you’d want me performing at my peak as well, no?”

“That scared of me, huh? Too frightened to let loose in front of a crowd? Ahahaha, that’s friggin’ adorable! Be careful, Cammy, I didn’t think I could get anymore excited, but you…” she leaned in close to Cammy’s ear, her voice dropping to a menacing snarl, “you’re really beginning to push me.”

Cammy’s resolve held firm, but something about Juri getting so close to her sent a chill down her spine, her voice bringing memories of the day she’d changed rushing to the forefront of her mind. Despite how intimidating she could be, her presence almost…excited her, though she did everything she could to keep that hidden.

“Too afraid you’ll lose if the odds aren’t tipped in your favor? I never took you for the sort,” Cammy said, her tone was low and even, but it carried just enough of a teasing edge that Juri couldn’t help but snap.

“You’re so goddamn stiff! Who gives a shit if it’s fair?! I just want this to be fun!” she yelled, before taking a deep breath and trying to calm herself.

“But, fine. If that’s what it’ll take to get you to let loose, let’s go somewhere nice and quiet, hmm? Seeing you get all worked up’ll make this way more fun for me! Ahahahaha!” She cackled loudly. “So, go on. Guide the way. This is your home turf, after all! Take alllll the time you need, but I’ve waited weeks for this, so my patience is really beginning to run thin…” She smirked, her expression looking hungrier, more desperate by the second. “And if you try to run…” she taunted, “I’ll really stop giving a shit about fairness, got that?”

“Understood,” Cammy said, working hard to maintain her composure. “There’s a warehouse not far from here that’s gone unused for months. I expect things to not last more than a few minutes, but we’ll have all the time we could possibly need in there.”

“Perfect!” Juri grinned. “Who knows, right? Could take a second, could take a lifetime! I’m getting worked up just thinking about it!”

Though she pushed it as far down as possible, Cammy was beginning to feel just as excited as she was.


“What a damn dump! Ya couldn’t’ve picked anywhere better than this?” Juri sneered, looking at the dusty, dimly-lit building Cammy had taken them to.

“As I said before, there’s no chance we’ll be interrupted here. It’s just the two of us. No distractions.”

“Ahaha, I do like the sound of that…” Juri purred. “Good timing, too! Wanna know why?”

Cammy glared at Juri, her eyes narrowing ever so slightly as she braced for whatever it was that she was about to hear.

“Because I’m too damn tired of waiting!” she yelled, immediately striking out at Cammy with a ferocious, incredibly fast kick that she was just barely able to block.

Cammy spun back away from the kick, quickly assuming a fighting stance as Juri sneered at her. It only took an instant for Cammy to launch an attack of her own, sliding down low on the ground and propelling herself up at Juri, her legs thrusting out straight and firm. Juri seemed to be expecting her to do exactly that, though, effortlessly cartwheeling backwards away from her and then slicing her long leg upwards to scare off any counterattack on Cammy’s part.

Cammy recovered into a crouch, keeping her body low to the ground as she continued to size Juri up, trying to ignore just how lovely those long legs looked from where she was. She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself as best she could. Just as Juri’s sneer started to part, the woman undoubtedly ready to taunt her, Cammy launched her next attack. She pushed herself up off the ground, spinning her body around past Juri, then lashed out with her fist, aiming right for the small of Juri’s back. It was a guaranteed hit.

Or, at least, that’s what Cammy had thought. Juri didn’t miss a beat, though, effortless turning on her heels and grabbing Cammy’s arm, pushing her in front of her as she wrapped her arm firmly around the smaller girl’s neck, grinning. She was so close now. This fight could be over with in an instant, but Juri couldn’t help but notice that something was off about Cammy. She lacked none of her intensity, but it was different now, less aggressive and more…desperate.

“You really lost your cool, huh?” Juri teased, a wide, cocky grin on her face. “Y’know, the last time we fought, if you even remember it, it was me who flew off the handle. We were both so friggin’ clumsy, remember that?”

Cammy’s eyes widened. She couldn’t have been talking about what had happened before she changed, surely? That…that was impossible.

“Ahahaha! No need to answer, your face says it all! You do remember, don’t you? How desperate I got, how I just couldn’t land more than a few glancing blows. Not one of my prouder moments, I’ll admit! I spent weeks looking for you, determined to get you back for that, to show you just how much you pissed me off, but now…” she purred, “I’m feeling a whole different kind of worked up…”

Cammy kept quiet, but immediately felt a warm, pulsing feeling in her belly, her knees growing week from excitement. As Juri put a hand on her butt, and gave it a firm squeeze, she couldn’t help but let out a soft, almost shy moan of pleasure. She could’ve escaped right then and there. She knew that Juri’s hold had loosened, that she’d be far too distracted to react in time if she wanted to turn everything around. But…she didn’t want that at all. She didn’t want to move away from her, to let this feeling to end.

She was so, so thirsty; so desperate to be with Juri, that she quickly abandoned all pretense of ire towards her, turning her head and kissing the bigger girl passionately. Their tongues danced around each others mouths, moving with as much ferocity as they’d shown during their fight, all the hostility they’d had for each other just moments earlier completely lost in their passion. Juri dropped her chokehold on Cammy, their kissing growing all the more intense until she pulled away entirely, an arrogant smirked painted across her face.

“I…I thought…” Cammy panted, “you had far more stamina than that. Too…too tired to show a girl a good time, hmm?” She looked up at Juri, her confidence swelling as she teased her.

“Ahahaha! How long have you been holding all that in, huh? You think I didn’t notice back in the alley? You got so damn giddy when I whispered in your ear, I was surprised you didn’t just pounce on me right then and there!”

“So why on Earth would you keep me waiting?” Cammy huffed.

“And pass up the chance to get you REALLY excited?! Screw that! I saw how wet you were getting! Each second that passed where you couldn’t let loose pushing you further, clouding your mind just a little more! It was so damn perfect! No more waiting though, for either of us! Let’s really have some fun!” she cried out, passionately kissing Cammy once more as she put her hands behind Juri’s back, kneading and playing with her full, perfect ass, squeezed lovingly into her catsuit.

“Oooh, that’s it!” Juri shouted. “Your heart’s sure in it now, huh? Let’s work up one hell of a sweat!” She slid a hand down Cammy’s back, slipping a finger beneath her leotard. “You must look so friggin’ adorable, peeling this thing off at the end of a long, hard day, unwedging it from this huge ass!” she cried out, as she yanked her leotard up at the back. Juri grinned hungrily as she saw her leotard get pushed deeper into her crack, her cheeks practically swallowing it up whole, the show accompanied by the beautiful, desperate sound of Cammy’s loud, sensual moans.

“A little too tight, hmm? Awww, don’t worry princess, lemme help you with that!” she teased, before forcing a couple of fingers down the front of her leotard and rubbing her moist, tight lips playfully. “But I know you…there’s no way this is enough for you, is it?” she asked, receiving no reply as Cammy kissed at her neck, too lost in her own pleasure to do much else.

“C’mon, you can do better than that, right?! No answer? If I don’t hear anything, I might just walk away now!”

“If you do that…” she said, between kisses, “I’ll be the one chasing you down, you understand?”

“Hell yeah I do!” she grinned, before slipping two fingers inside of her, listening to her moans getting louder and hoarser.

“We…we can’t stay here…” Cammy panted, barely pushing the words out between ragged breaths. “It’s…it’s so, ahn~ It’s so good! But we need some privacy… We need a place where…where we can really go wild…” she added, looking up into Juri’s eyes hungrily, wishing they could finish things here, but knowing the slight break would be worth the trouble.

“Awww, you don’t wanna stick around? I bet we could make this place cozy in no time!” Juri replied, still pushing her fingers in and out, her rhythm growing a little less steady as she moved faster and faster.

“My apartment…” Cammy squeaked. “We’ll go there, it’s not far.”

“Inviting me home on the first date?” Juri teased, earning a shy nod from Cammy. “Ahaha! Sounds good to me! But let’s get there quick, got that?” she laughed, pulling away from the smaller girl and hungrily licking her fingers clean.

“Understood.” Cammy smiled confidently, adding, “Let’s hope you can keep up.”

The two of them rushed back to her apartment desperately, Cammy’s knees feeling weaker with each and every step. Thankfully, it didn’t take long to get there, and by the time they’d reached her apartment, she felt completely renewed. Both girls desperately threw off their clothes the second they’d opened the door, and they rushed onto the bed, all too eager to show each other exactly how passionate they were.


Cammy’s eyes gently fluttered open the next morning. Slowly but surely, the world around her grew a little clearer, and the heavy, firm weight on top of her became increasingly apparent. She looked up to see Juri’s nude body, still asleep and wrapped around her, wearing a goofy, giddy smile.

“Off,” Cammy said flatly, pushing Juri off of her and letting her flop down on the other side of the bed.

“Good morning, lovergirl…” Juri teased, her tone sleepy and slow, lacking its usual ferocity. “You’re awfully cold this morning. Burn off all your passion last night?” she smiled, watching Cammy as she picked herself up out of bed and walked over to her closet, then slipped on a tight pair of panties. Juri hungrily noticed the way they slipped between her buttcheeks, just like her leotard. She idly noticed the camouflage she’d painted on her legs was still visible, though the marks had already begun to fade somewhat.

“Not at all…” Cammy smiled back, lazily slipping on a light blue, hooded jacket, and not even bothering to zip it up, letting it naturally fall over her breasts. “I just think I need to collect my thoughts, that’s all. Yesterday was…quite the day.”

“Ahaha! What’s there to think about?” Juri said, quickly moving to her feet, doing nothing to cover herself up as the two of them headed over to the couch. “You’ve got it bad for me. Bet that, even now, you’d get all kinds of worked up if I so much as-” she put her fingers on Cammy’s thigh, slowly inching them closer and closer towards her crotch, before Cammy took her hand in her own and cut her off with a soft, loving kiss.

“You’re not wrong. I am attracted to you. Far more strongly than I’d have ever cared to admit before today. That’s what I’m sorting out in my head, really: how we move forward with all of this.”

“Oooh, didn’t take much to wrap you around my finger, huh?” Juri grinned.

“I suppose not,” Cammy smiled. “But you’re just as taken with me, no? Don’t think I didn’t see you watching me when I was getting dressed.”

Juri smirked. “Ahahaha! Yeah, you caught me! What’re you gonna do, punish me?”

“Maybe I will…” Cammy teased, leaning in and kissing her once more. “I think I’ve worked it out, regardless.”

“Worked what out?”

“I’d like to stay with you. As your girlfriend, your lover, whatever you’d like to call me. Either way, I’m not giving this feeling up. Whatever differences we may have had in the past hardly matter now. This is more important to me.”

“Damn, that’s your way of confessing to someone? All business as usual? Not even an “I love you?!” Juri cackled.

“I assumed it was obvious, but since you clearly need it spelled out… I’m in love with you, Juri, and I don’t see that changing anytime soon.”

“Someone’s getting kinda mouthy, huh?  Maybe I’ll have to punish you, too! Show you exactly how much I love you!”

“So you’ll stay with me, then?” Cammy asked.

“Ahahaha! I thought that was obvious!” she grinned. “But since you clearly need it spelled out,” she leaned in close, whispering right into her ear, “you couldn’t get rid of me if you tried. Got that, sweetheart?”

As Juri pulled back, still wearing her ever-present, teasing smirk, Cammy smiled back at her, warmly.

“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

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