A Happy, Bouncy Paradise (Katsuragi/Ryoubi TG TF)

Kousei sat on the shabby, hand-me-down couch that came with her apartment. The only light in the room came from the sun peeking past the curtains, illuminating the motes of dust floating around, and the phone in front of her face which was commanding her full attention. “Nothing yet, huh? Still just ‘out for delivery…’” … Continue reading A Happy, Bouncy Paradise (Katsuragi/Ryoubi TG TF)

Working Up a Sweat (TG/TF)

Art by zkstxxx: https://bit.ly/2EFzyJA A cheery pop song played overhead, filling the large, spacious room, but Mamoru couldn’t hear it at all over what he was doing. Neither could the few other patrons in the gym, each one drowning the owner’s music out with their headphones. As much as he appreciated the privacy a pair … Continue reading Working Up a Sweat (TG/TF)

Gentle Love (Ayano Sugiura TG/TF)

Art by なもり: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=60703531 and なてこ: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=62573117 --- “Toshinou Kyouko!” Akihito shouted as he threw open the tall door to the large, sparsely decorated club room that once belonged to the tea club, but was now the frequent host to a group of girls, one in particular who was the focus of his ire. He … Continue reading Gentle Love (Ayano Sugiura TG/TF)

Sweet Relief (Elma TG TF)

Art by 山吹ざらめ: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=61791933 --- Eiichi typed away at his computer, the constant rising and falling of his keys only contributing to the melancholy he was feeling as he typed up a report that should have been done months ago by someone else. The sound combined with the clacking of everyone else around him, the … Continue reading Sweet Relief (Elma TG TF)

The Tamed Beast (Silica/Keiko Ayano TG TF)

Art by キンタ: www.pixiv.net/member_illust.ph… --- Keigo looked up to the display that was constantly floating just on the edge of his vision, focusing on a small number tucked away in the corner. With a blink, the number changed, the clock rolling over to 01:00. Keigo stopped his mindless trudge for a moment, weighing out what to do … Continue reading The Tamed Beast (Silica/Keiko Ayano TG TF)